Thursday, January 31, 2013

Scribe Period 3 1-31-13

Scribe 1-31-13

First we did our grammar for tomorrow's quiz.

Sentence 1:  can you come over and watch the movie casablanca after school

  • The C in an needs to be capitalized (The three lines under the c)
  • The C in casablanca needs to be capitalized (Three lines under)
  • Casablanca needs to be underlined because it’s the name of a movie.
  • There needs to be a question mark after the whole sentence (?)

Here is a picture of the diagram for this sentence.
Some parts came out blurry.  Under the word come that says the.  On the dotted line that connects come and watch that says and.

Second sentence:  the chemistry club visited boulder colorado for an experiment

  • The needs to be capitalized (three lines under)
  • Chemistry Club needs to be capitalized (three lines under)
  • Boulder needs to be capitalized (three lines under)
  • Colorado needs to be capitalized (three lines under)
  • There needs to be a comma separating Boulder and Colorado (Boulder,Colorado)
  • The needs to be a period at the end of the sentence (.)

Here is a picture of the diagram for sentence two.

After grammer we talked a little bit about our papers.  Smith told us it would be really helpful to look at some of the previous years websites.

Next we created our own google websites for our stories.  Some people do it through the lps email and some people did it through there own.  To do this you need to go own google docs then hit google sites.  Once you're there hit create.  Name it your first name, last initial, then 2016.  After we did this we gave Smith the URL to our websites.  For the rest of the hour we messed around with the google sites seeing everything we can do with it.


Homework: CSAP, grammar quiz tomorrow, start thinking about your essay (think about starting on your outline)

Scribe 1/31 Period 5

Hello Everyone! I hope everyone is having a great day!

Julia and I presented the Sox Drive to the class today for Student Council, so remember to bring in gently used clothing and brand new socks to support the Sox Place!

The first thing the class did today, was work on DOL7: Can you come over and watch the movie Casablanca after school? The A.H.S. Chemistry Club visited Boulder, Colorado for an experiment.
Here's one to practice for the DOL quiz tomorrow: the track club ran to lonetree colorado for a workout

After discussing the grammar, Mrs. Smith helped the class set up their websites for the Little Brother and 1984 Paper due 2/14. First, she let us pick whether or not we wanted to use Gmail or the LPS accounts to set up these sites. Mrs. Smith explained how LPS owns your website if you do decide to go with LPS for your website, and how Gmail is your own property.


  1. Click the "Sites" button at the top of your LPS/Gmail account.
  2. Click the "Create" button to create your website.
  3. Click "Blank Template" to make the website look the way you want.
  4. You will then name your site YourName2016. Ex: mine is CapriV2016
  5. Click the theme choice that goes with your paper. (If it is on the happier side, do a happier theme. If it is on the sad side, do a dull theme.)
  6. Do the Word Verification (So Google knows you're not a robot)
  7. See your website
  8. Click the "Pencil" button up top to edit your Website (like Google Docs)
  10. Play around and get your website how you want it (be sure to SAVE)
There are two options for how you want your paper/website to look like:
  1. To make your homepage your whole paper
  2. Your homepage can just be an introduction to your paper.
If you choose to make your homepage an introduction, here's how you layout the rest of your paper:
  • Next to the pencil button is a "Create/Plus page" button (Click this to create a new page)
  • Create a "What have we learned" page, "Works Cited" page, ect.
Go back to your blog, and click the "More" button next to the "Add Page" button, and select "Manage Cite". Scroll down to cite layout, and click "Edit Navigation" to rearrange pages in the order you want them to appear.
(You can also edit your theme and fonts on this page.)

After setting up our websites, we added our URLs to Mrs. Smith's webpage so she will be able to grade our papers when the time comes.

  • Figure out two topics for tomorrow for paper (What we've learned and what we haven't learned)
  • Play Around on Google Sites
  • Finish CSAP packet
  • Look at previous years' papers
Here is Smith's Slideshow

Hope everyone has a great day! One more day until the weekend!

Scribe for 1/30/13 Period 5

Hello all!

Today in class we continued discussing the English paper which will be due on February 14. Everyone should start really thinking about the structure and idea that can be used for their paper. Now is the time to ask for help, don't wait until the last moment to ask Smith for help. Remember you can reach her by email or by signing up in her planner. For reference look back at the websites of previous students (they are linked on Smith's website). You are only limited to what you can imagine, so put a lot of effort into this project.

The class went over grammar. Our first sentence is and independent clause and a simple sentence. The second sentence is an independent clause and a simple sentence.

Smith took an unofficial poll on the class. She asked us three questions: 
How many people didn't like either 1984 or Little Brother?
How many people liked 1984 more than Little Brother?
How many people liked Little Brother more than 1984?

For the rest of the period we had our final Little Brother fishbowl. Smith also checked that everyone wrote out three questions for chapters 18-epilogue.

Homework: Begin to think about paper structure and ideas.

That's all. Have a good day. :)

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Scribe for January 30, 2013 Period 3

Hope you all had a wonderful PLC day!
Today we started out with reviewing the outline for our PAPER that is due on February 14, 2013 (Valentines Day)
We have our
  1. Intro
  2. 1st body- either what we learned or not
  3. 2nd body- either what we learned or not
  4. 3rd body- where are we going
  5. Conclusion- what your solution to the problem is
If you have a different idea for your paper, see Mrs. Smith and get it approved!

Then we did our GRAMMER.
1st sentance- can you come over and watch the movie casabalnca after school
This sentance only has one independant clause, therefore is a simple sentance.

2nd sentance (like the one on our quiz)- the chemestry club visited boulder colorado for an experiment This sentance only has one independant clause, therefore is a simple sentance.

Finally we had our FISHBOWL.
Last fishbowl of the year!

Presenters were: Allie, Jake, Aspen, Lena, Mollie, Alexandra L.
Disccusers were: Sophie, David M., Jacob, Rachel, Ian, Zach
In the fishbowl we asked the question why the younger generation or the teenagers are usually the ones who spark the revolution, and why older generations believe that we are incapable of speaking our own mind. We also discussed how the Department of Homeland Security had not been by the people, but the governement itself.  Also the question if, in Little Brother, California had the state rights to kick out a federal agency.


CSAP packet Words to Live by: Due Friday
DOL quiz on Friday
Begin thinking about paper ideas and structure.
find the link to past papers on Smith's agenda on the webpage.


Little Brother Per 5 18-end

Little Brother Per 3 18-end

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

January 29th Scribe Period 3

Hello All!

Today, we started class by talking about our upcoming essay. Here are the notes from that discussion 

Have Not Learned

  • no perfect system
  • no perfect society
  • not an introspective society
  • government doesn’t always do the best for the people
  • division between generations
  • balance between the individual and the group
  • using force rather than compromise
  • prejudice
  • sacrificing rights for safety
  • government taking away personal freedoms and rights
  • the underestimation of teenagers
  • true role of society
  • true role of the individual
  • power of words
  • power of manipulation
  • power of technology
  • power of money
  • fear turns into control
  • trouble recognizing true values
  • understanding personal motivation

Have Learned

  • The government does not always have the individual's best interest in mind
  • Fear inspires action
  • people are pawns of the enemy (the government)
  • delicate balance between freedom and security
  • perspective decides who is the hero and who is the enemy 
  • change does not manifest by inaction
  • not everyone can be trusted 
  • be introspective
  • one person can inspire can spark a revolution
  • how governments can maintain or gain power
  • human nature is flawed
  • lack of power of the individual
  • power of a group

During and after our class brainstorm, Smith talked more about the paper. 
Summarized, Smith said:
  • freedoms>structure
  • you can NOT rely on Smith to make decisions for you
  • this is a LIFE CHANGING piece that will represent you forever
  • 1984 and Little Brother MUST be used as examples but you can use other pieces in your essay (Fahrenheit 451, Harrison Bergeron, exct.)
  • how you lay out your essay will determine the point of view of the whole piece
    • For a positive point of view
      • Haven't learned ---> Have Learned ---> Where are we going?
    • For a negative point of view
      • Have Learned ---> Haven't Learned ---> Where are we going?
  • keep in mind that the point of this essay is to CONNECT 1984 and Little Brother 
  • Here are Smith's tips to preparing for writing the essay
    • Find the topics that really movie you. You are going to have to connect that topic to 1984, Little Brother, and modern society so pick topics that really make you think. 
    • Start finding examples from text and modern news. The sooner you start finding examples the more time you have to really find the BEST examples for your essay. Remember, this piece is going to be public and so you want it to represent your best work not something that you just threw together.
    • Start thinking about where we are going as a society. Again, the more time you have to think through this topic the better your end product will be.
Moving on, everyone please keep in mind that we have a Fishbowl Tomorrow! Also have 3 questions about the reading ready to show Smith!
The fallowing is a list of people signed up for the fishbowl tomorrow

  1. Allie Brown
  2. Jake Becker
  3. Aspen Golding
  4. Lena Chavez
  5. Mollie Gardner
  6. Alexandra Larsen
  1. Sophie Yano
  2. David Merkel
  3. Jacob Goodman
  4. Rachel Haysley
  5. Ian Pastorius
  6. Zach Upthegrove
We also did grammar today:

Sentence 1)
   can you come over and watch the movie casablanca after school
          (S)     (V1)                       (V2)           (do)      (app)          (prep ph) (OP)

Sentence 2)

     the chemistry club visited boulder colorado for an experiment
                   ( subject)       (V)           (do)                     (prep ph) (OP)

Also! Here is a link to the essay outline if anyone wants to get a jumpstart on that. 

Also remember that tomorrow is a late start day!

  • CSAP packet "Words to Live By"
  • 3 Questions for discussion
  • Read through the end of Little Brother
  • Think about your essay!

Block 5 Scribe 1-29-13

Welcome to Mrs. Smith's 5th Block

  • Read to the end of Little Brother (Epilogue and After word too)
  • Write down 3 questions to go with the Little Brother passage
  • Work on CSAP packet (Due Friday)
  • Think about Little Brother/1984 Paper
Grammar for Today
Verb (There is more than one!)
Preposition/Prepositional Phrase/OP
Direct Object
Sentence One:
can you come over and watch the movie casablanca after school

Sentence Two:
the ahs chemistry club visited boulder colorado for an experiment

Little Brother/1984 Paper Prep
Due on Valentine's Day (2-14-13)
  1. Topic
  2. Ideas
  3. Modern examples
  4. Figure out how you want to showcase you paper
  • Power Point about Paper is on Agenda Calendar for Week 4
    • Ideas for learned and not learned
    • We generated ideas in class
  • One part of paper is what have we learned
  • Second part is what haven't we've learned
  • Third part is where are we going as a result of the 1st two (problem we see)
  • Fourth part is how are we going to fix the problem we see
  • No personal words any where in paper
  • Have to use Little Brother and 1984, but can use other sources too
    • 1st and 2nd paragraph need examples from Little Brother, 1984, and Modern Day
  • Should not resemble a black and white paper
    • you can use video
    • you can use pictures
    • you can use animations
    • you can use graphs
    • you can use any thing you want to (different colors, fonts, ext.)
    • only requirement is that it needs to cover the four different paragraph prompts (there still needs to be writing)
Ideas we Have Not Learned
  • how far privacy can be taken
  • know where the line between control and protection resides
  • benefits of a controlling government
  • how to solve problems in our own society
  • the importance of our personal freedoms
  • the balance of safety vs. security
  • how much government
  • difference between a terrorist and an activist
  • dependence on technology for knowledge
  •  the dangers of apathy
  • one person can change the world
  • trust between people
  • how to solve your inner struggles
  • the importance of individuality
  • consequences of complacency
  • meaning of equality 
  • putting too much faith in the system (name system)
  • how truthful the government is
  • how to know what is right
  • how to look past our selfish desires
Ideas We Have Learned
  • how to compromise
  • power of a group
  • importance of expressing opinion and emotions
  • how to recognize problems in our own society
  • change doesn't by itself
  • technology isn't always used for good
  • we have to make something happen
  • making people aware of the problem
  • strength in numbers
  • scaring people into complacency 
  • bystander effect
  • technology can be used for good
  • how much power the government has on us
  • importance of having support of people you close to
  • people see things differently
  • how to motivate social change 

Monday, January 28, 2013

Period 3 Scribe 1-28-13

Scribe 1-28-13

First we got our CSAP packet for this week called Words to Live By. (Some people already had this from last week because Smith accidentally handed this one out on the day we had to move to a different classroom)

Next we did the monday section for our vocab.

For our sentences we had no new parts of speeches.

First sentence for grammar: can you come over and watch the movie casablanca after school
  • Can is a helping verb. (hv)
  • You is a pronoun. (pn)
  • Come is an action verb. (av)
  • Over is an adverb. (av)
  • And is a coordinating conjunction. (cc)
  • Watch is a action verb. (av)
  • The is a article. (art)
  • Movie is a noun. (n)
  • Casablanca is a proper noun. (N)
  • After is a preposition. (prep)
  • School is a noun. (n)

Second sentence: the chemistry club visited boulder colorado for an experiment
  • The is an article. (art)
  • Chemistry Club is a proper noun. (N)
  • Visited is a action verb. (av)
  • Boulder is a proper noun. (N)
  • Colorado is a proper noun. (N)
  • For is a preposition. (prep)
  • An is an article. (art)
  • Experiment is a noun. (n)

Next we finished our fishbowl from friday that was cut short.

While we had our fishbowl, Smith walked around checking our questions for chapters 13-17

At the very end of class Smith talked a little about the essay that we will be writing about the connections between 1984 and Little Brother. We found out that we will be writing about three topics that connect these two books. What we have learned, what we haven’t learned, and where we are going.

  • Read 17 through end of the book due Wednesday
  • Think of problems that have been revealed in our society after reading these two books.  Also think of flaws in the book’s society.

LB 13-17 continue period 5

LB 13-17 fishbowl cont Period 3

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Scribe 1-25-13 P5

Happy Friday Everyone!

Today, we started off class by finishing our presentations on Ned Kelly, Marcus Yallow, and The Chicago Seven:

-Ally, Sarah, Faith, and Emily - slideshow
-David, Zach, Max, and Hunter (absent) - Prezi
-Hayden and Tony - Prezi

*The winning group from our class was Erica's group, who made facebook pages for the people we were studying

Next, we took our second grammar quiz and turned in the CSAP packet: Hunger along with our practice sentences.

**If you would like to get ahead on your CSAP packets you can pick up the ones for the upcoming weeks in Smith's classroom

Finally, we moved into our fishbowl discussion about Little Brother, we discussed the following:

  • Was his decision to hold a press conference good? - no, it went wrong
    • Can this happen with going to the press too? - he had no choice to go to Barbra he had -to do something while he still could, but puts others at risk
  • Why don’t they show the faces of people on the cover, who is it? - you can put yourself in their shoes, they want to stay anonymous ( x for xnet and xfactor)
  • Trust issues - parents, girlfriends, governments, teachers - one thing brought it all down
  • How will the relationship between Marcus and Ange turn out? - what’s the problem between having an only physical relationship? will they fall apart?
  • What are some connections between 1984 and Little Brother?

    • **We are going to finish the discussion on Monday

    • Homework: Read through chapter 19 in Little Brother by Monday and to the end by Wednesday
    • Friday, January 25, 2013

      Little Brother Per 3 13-17

      Little Brother Per 5 13-17

      Thursday, January 24, 2013

      Scribe for 1/24

      1.  Grammar: Diagram and punctuation the two sentences.

      2.  Met with Ned Kelly presentation groups to talk before presenting.

      3.  Group #1: Grace, Ally, Alex, and Alexandra.
               - Movie with pictures with them talking about it.  Different songs for different times.
        Group #2: David, Bennett, Zack and Ethan.
      -Prezi doc, Venn diagram, each one taking turns talking.  
         Group #3:  Rachel, Aspen, and Giovanna.  
                - Movie with pictures first, then each one talked.
        Group #4: Dean, Jake, Ian, Steven, and Jacob.
               - Prezi, venn diagram, each person talked,
       Group #5: Elise, Sarah, Lena, Allie, and Maddi.
               - Skit
      4. Group #6 didn’t go.

      Homework: Read through chapter 17 for fish bowl tomorrow,  CSAP packet is due tomorrow and the grammar quiz is tomorrow.

      Scribe 1/23/13

      Hey Class!

      I'm sorry this is late, but here is what we did yesterday. At the beginning, we practiced grammar using the sentences "jeb likes cars but can't drive yet" and "david saw the movie alvin and the chipmunks in his kindergarten class". Then, for the rest of the period, we worked on our presentations for the project that was due today, the connections between Marcus from "Little Brother", the Chicago Seven, and Ned Kelly. Intermittently Mrs. Smith called up kids to examine CSAP (or now TCAP) scores and to explain what to shoot for for the upcoming TCAP tests.


      • Read through chapter 17 for the fishbowl on Friday
      • Work on the CSAP packet "Hunger"
      • Finish the presentation for Thursday (today)


      Scribe 1/24/13

      Hey class!

      So today we mainly shared our various presentations about the connections between Marcus Yallow from "Little Brother", the Chicago Seven, and Ned Kelly, with a small amount of grammar review beforehand. The two sentences we used for the grammar were "jeb likes cars but he can't drive yet" and "david saw the movie alvin and the chipmunks in his kindergarten class". The six groups who presented there various presentations were:

      1. Sarah and Nate (Nate was absent though): they did a Prezi
      2. Ethan, Emily Ha., and Victoria: Prezi
      3. Julia, Gabby, Dom, and Kate: skit
      4. Capri, Riley, and Olivia: slideshow
      5. Lindsey, Lauren, Taylor, Rebecca, and Erica: slideshow
      6. Scott, Emily W., and Kasi: slideshow
      • Read through chapter 17 for fishbowl tomorrow
      • Finish the CSAP packet "Hunger"
      • Study for the grammar test tomorrow
      • Have three questions ready from chapters 13-17 in "Little Brother"

      Tuesday, January 22, 2013

      Scribe for Period 3, 1/ 22/13

      Today our class was handed out CSAP Practice (and went over it briefly) and started grammar. We also started working on a project.
      CSAP Practice
      We talked briefly about the paragraph at the end of the packet. The things to include in it would be: Title, author, restate, answer, and why? (for the topic sentence), what was the man like (in the beginning and the end), the change, and the concluding sentence.

      N   av    n    cc  pn   hv     av   adv
      jeb likes cars but he can't drive yet
       S     V     do         S              V

                                                           N                        poss
        N     v   art     n       (                  ^                 ) pre pn          adj          n
      david saw the movie alvin and the chipmunks (in his kindergarten class)
         S       V           DO    (                 ^                   )               PREP           OP
                                                          app                                                      ph

      We started brainstorming for a project in which the question is "What does Marcus (from Little Brother) , Ned Kelly, and Chicago 7 have in common?" We got into groups, researched and laid out how we would put together the presentation. Ms. Smith also informed us that we were not to use powerpoint for this project. This project is due on Thursday.

      Homework and Links
      • CSAP Practice: Hunger
      • Grammar
      • Read Chapter 13 and 14 of Little Brother
      • Marcus/Ned Kelly/Chicago 7 Project
      This Week's Schedule:

      1-22-13 Scribe P5

      Welcome back after our 3-day weekend! 
      (For a vacation update: 8 days until a PLC day, and 18 days until our next 4-day week. Yay!)

      - HW: Read  Ch. 13-14 (Little Brother), Ned Kelly presentation due Thursday, CSAP packet (Hunger)

      -Hunger is the CSAP Packet for week 3, and Words to Live By is the one for next week (week 4).

      The Ned Kelly Presentation is a competition. The group that wins will receive homemade cookie bars and their choice of hot chocolate or milk. The question for this project is: What do Ned Kelly, Marcus (from Little Brother) and the Chicago Seven have in common? We will present our findings on Thursday.
      Requirements for Ned Kelly Presentation:
      - no powerpoints
      - face the audience
      - be creative!
      (We got into our groups  of 4-5 today- we chose our group members) - and we began our brainstorming for the presentation. TA-DA!)

      For the CSAP packet this week:
      - We are answering the question: Think about the man at the beginning of the story and at the end. Then explain how the man changed.
      - We need to talk about the man at the beginning of the story and at the end and also the change that takes place in his character.
      - In the Topic Sentence: title, author, restate, answer the question, and a why.
      -Don’t forget concluding sentence!

      Grammar DOL:
      Today we are marking the parts of speech and the parts of the sentence. We are also adding two parts of speech this week: conjunctions and adverbs. Here are some quick definitions:
      conjunction: a part of speech that connects two words, phrases, or clauses together
      adverb: a part of speech that modifies a verb
      1. jeb likes cars but he can’t drive yet
      2. david saw the movie alvin and the chipmunks in his kindergarten class

      Here are the finished sentences:

      Friday, January 18, 2013

      Scribe for Period 5: January 18th, 2013

      Hello Everybody! 

      Some quotes from today, from our fellow classmates:
      "Life is a balance...and it's annoying." -Gabby
      "Double think is like inter conflict but on steroids."-Ethan
      "Rebellion is a level of determination." -Hunter
      "Nothing Marcus does!"-Scott

      First and foremost, we turned in our CSAP packet (entitled "Einstein's Practical Joke") and DOL week two. 

      Remember: We had a DOL quiz over week two. You may use your purple packet to guide you in finding parts of speech, sentence parts, sentence type, punctuation and capitalization and diagramming the sentence. The similar sentence of the week to help you prepare for the quiz is: our friend tom is the next president after obama
      Make sure you are able to do all of the skills listed above on the example sentence to prepare for the quiz. Just 5 minutes of studying! 

      Our Only Homework:

      Read. Chapters 13-17 will be due Friday for discussion. You are welcome to pick up CSAP packets ahead of time and work on them. They are located in the far back left corner for pick up. A grammar quiz and sentences will be next week as well. 

      Within 10 minutes the class we finished our DOL 2 Quiz. And on to discussing the suspenseful and revengeful section (Chapters 6-12) in Little Brother by Cory Doctorow. Please note: 3 questions for section 1 and 3 question for this section, section 2 were marked down for completion. You should have 6 questions in total for Little Brother.

      In the Fishbowl: Questions and Ideas

      • Will Ange last throughout the whole book?
        • reminds readers of Julia character. She is the light for the fire burning within Marcus, as did Winston. However it is up to the author to decide to choose a similar path as 1984 by George Orwell
      • Why are teenagers disrespected?
        • adults stereotype teens: adults remember their teenage years and hope kids aren't like that. Teenagers are inexperienced. Why trust teenagers? Do your parents trust you? How would you act as a parent? Marcus has enough smarts, but no matter how smart you are you can't take down the government. But you can give it a chance. Is it worth it to take the chance if family and friends might pay the price for your actions? If someone in the book wasn't as smart as Marcus, then it would be more of a risk.
      • Freedom or Safety? How much are YOU willing to give up?
      • What would you do? Rebel? Sit back?
        • Marcus sees rebellion in concert as a dangerous act: danger is more evident. If you are committed  then you will have the level of determination to risk it: you have to see the future, map out every step and hope for the best. If you are driven but not willing to put those associated with you in danger, will enough happen? In other words, will you lay down lives for a cause? What about wiretapping: anything you text anyone, they are associated with you. Will you save many for just a few? The country over the individual? In cast of war, people know of death: Collateral Damage.
      • Do you believe in the power of one? 
        • Government can take down 1 person but not an army. It's not a matter of power but of influence.
      • What will happen after the concert? Will they be revengeful? 
        • teens will be rash, parents would not believe teens but believe those in authority  Parents put a lot of trust in kids now-a-days. Marcus doesn't tell his parents anything and has a lack of respect for his parents in the novel. Parents feel that teens need to be more trustworthy in this society. Our generation wants the same respect as we give adults. Most parents don't know how to respond: if too harsh, child will be afraid to tell them more, but if too calm, child will not respect them. It's a balance
      • What point do you stop smothering/guiding a child?
        • Marcus is afraid how parents will react. It matters whether or not he's right in order for parents to support him.
      • Why is the dad figure change from loathing the government to choosing their side? Why is he so bi polar?
        • Double think. The dad probably got a good night's sleep and became more calm in the morning. He's protecting Marcus from himself and does not want his son to think wrongly in the future due to his actions.
      • Is Marcus a terrorist?
        • Nothing he does is legal but his goal is not fear. Is he really fighting for himself or Darryl or the world?
        • RING! The end of class and the end of a wonderful discussion! Great job, everybody!
      On the blog: please check here for a briefing on the blog. 

      Have a wonderful THREE DAY WEEKEND, everybody! Thank you to all the spontaneous thoughts from my peers to make this summary very...interesting. Credits to them and a great job in class! See you Tuesday!
