Friday, March 22, 2013

Scribe March 22nd Period 3

The championship for the March Madness Grammar bracket was Ethan vs. Sarah. The sentence was, “I think that this will be a difficult sentence because its the last one of the year”. Ethan won the championship and was granted home baked goodies from Smith. Great job raising money this week for Warrior Week! We then discussed Act 4 of Romeo and Juliet quick before we took the test for Act 4. We received our Act 3 tests back. We then read Act 5.

HW: Copy of A Whole New Mind, test on Romeo and Juliet on Tuesday after spring break, book check for 1984/LB

Thursday, March 21, 2013

March 21 Scribe Period 3

Class began with morning announcements

Here is a link to Smith's weekly agenda. 

We also continued our Grammar March Madness. The sentence was:

dont forget to bring your copy of the play the miracle worker to class you will need it to finish your assignment.
This is the completed sentence and diagram:

Congratulations to Sara and Ethan! They are our finalists. Here is a what the bracket looks like:

Make sure to bring in money for Warrior Week! Aly D. is our class representative and Smith's period 3 and 5 are having a competition to see who can raise the most money. The proceeds will go to Adam's Camp. Please bring any loose change and donate if you can!
The class was required to go to hearing and vision tests today. Students went in groups of 10 to get tested. 

Since we did not get a chance to read Romeo and Juliet, the students in the classroom read Act 4 individually. If you did not finish Act 4 in class, please do it for homework. You can access a free online copy here

Read Act 4
Bring in $$ for Warrior Week!
Return any class copies of Little Brother and 1984 to Smith.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Scribe Period 3 3/14/12

We practiced our tableaux vivants that we will perform on Monday. Make sure to share the doc with Smith that has the lines, actions, openings and closings on it. We will start reading Act 3 on Monday.
HW: Somebody needs to create a grammar march madness bracket, share the doc that has lines, actions, openings and closings, for tableaux vivants that we will perform on Monday.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

March 19-Scribe Per. 5

March 19!!

Well, Smith wasn't here today, so we didn't do any grammar. Instead, we read more of Romeo and Juliet for the entire period. We finished up Act 3 with several of the other English teachers taking turns in watching over us.
Remember, we are also collecting money for Adam's Camp, and we are trying to beat third period!


  • Make sure you turn in class copies of 1984 and Little Brother
  • Get a copy of A Whole New Mind for April
Have a good day, everyone!

March 19, Scribe Period 3

Class began with morning announcements.

Here is Smith's Weekly Agenda.

Aly collected some money for Warrior Week. Arapahoe will be donating this money to Adam's Camp and Smith has arranged a deal with periods 3 and 5 that whoever raises the most money will get a variety of home baked goods. Keep bringing in your change!

We will be reading A Whole New Mind in the coming weeks. Students who do not wish to purchase a copy of the books can check out a book from Ms. Smith and get a head start on reading over Spring Break. Please only use sticky notes to annotate the class copy books. 

Today we held the second round of the Grammar March Madness competition. The sentence was:
as we prepare for final exams some students became nervous but I am well prepared
The diagram looks like this:

Here is the answer key:

Here is the current bracket:
Note: There may be a rematch for those who were absent today, so don't panic.

For the remainder of the class period, we read Romeo and Juliet Act 3 Scenes 2-5.
To catch up on the reading, check out No Fear Shakespeare on Sparknotes.

Return your copy of 1984 or Little Brother to Smith if you checked one out
Copy of A Whole New Mind (If you want to buy one)

Monday, March 18, 2013

Scribe Per. 5 3-18-13

Today in class we had a few minutes to prepare and then we performed our Tableaux Vivants. After we held the first round of Grammar March Madness. We continued to read act 3 of Romeo and Juliet.

Homework: Will be checking in 1984/Little Brother books tomorrow, need a copy of AWNM

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Scribe, Period 5, 3-14-13

Happy Pie Day everyone! Also last day of TCAP! Good for us, we made it.

First we watched the balcony scenes from both the new version and the old version of Romeo and Juliet and compared and contrasted them, it is portrayed, the setting, the importance of things in the scenes. Then Smith introduced our next assignment, called a Tableaux Vivant, or living statue. To do a Tableaux Vivant you will say your (memorized) line, then freeze in that position and hold it until your next line while the other people in your group say their lines. We will not be performing all of the lines in the section of text that the groups choose, but instead, only picking the lines we find to be the most important and vital to the story. Thank you!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Period 3 Scribe 3/12/13

Today in class we...
  1. watched the balcony scene from both versions of Romeo and Juliet
  2. were assigned our new project which is where each group has to preform tableaux vivants of a certain part from act three
Tableaux Vivants- (living pictures) are used in the world of art and theater to recreate famous works of art. THis technique may also be used to recreate scenes from Shakespeare. These scenes are easy to develop because only a few essential lines from the original work are needed. Like frozen statues, the actors arrange themselves in an appropriate opening tableau; then one ar a time the actor comes to life, speaks a line, and changes position.
(See Mrs. Smith if you have any other questions or forgot the groups and scenes assigments.)

None! (make sure to rest up for TCAP and do you best!!)

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Period 5 Scribe March 7, 2013

Hi everyone,

We do not have homework over the weekend!

This is an overview of what we did in class today
TCAP- Remember the tips we went over in class this week, and go over them before Monday when we start TCAP. Also, it may be a good idea to look at the CSAP packets for a quick review.
Grammar-turned in DOL 17 and took the DOL 18 quiz
Memorized Prologue to Act 2 Activity- all group presented their memorized prologue to act 2 performance today.
Reading/Acting Romeo and Juliet- we continued to read/act out act 2
If more information is needed check the class calendar here.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Period 3: Scribe 3/7/13

Hey Class!!! 

Homework: NONE!!! :) Enjoy your 3 day weekend!

  • In order to do well on TCAP testing,  review previous CSAP packets
  • TCAP will begin Monday; make sure you know which room you're in (list posted in the cafeteria)

Today in Class:
  • Grammar:
    • Collected DOL 17 Practice Sentences
    • Took DOL 18 quiz
  • Romeo and Juliet:
    • Performed Act 2 prologue skits: Each group presented their version of the memorized prologue using rhythm, drama, singing, dancing, and props 
    • Read Act 2- Scene 2 and some of Scene 3.                 
    • Received Act 1 graded quizzes

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Period 3 Scribe March 6, 2013

Today we started off with DOL. Because of the poetry day yesterday, and no school on Friday, we had to do the Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday part of the purple packet in class. Sentence number one introduced infinitive phrases, as well as objects of the infinitives to go along. 

Sentence 1

Sentence 2

DOL Week 9 Quiz tomorrow!

After grammar we got into groups of no more than five to work on the Act 2 Prologue Performance. Each group had to memorize the prologue and have it ready to present by tomorrow.  The instructions are found on the gold handout passed out on Monday. To present the prologue, each group has to either act it out or put the speaking to a rhythm. Some examples were drill-team march, chant, rap, or lullaby. 

Make sure you are reviewing the CSAP tips for testing next week. 

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Zach Hall Scribe 3/5/13 Period 5

Tuesday March 5, 2013
Period 5

Today in class we began by going over CSAP/TCAP tips. We went over how to answer an extended response question and the proper format to do so.

Extended Writing-5 paragraph essay format/content
Intro- Attention getter, explanation of attention getter, background information, thesis which includes reasons and why- 3 points which will become the main points of the three body paragraphs. Each body paragraph should be formatted the same way. Each body paragraph should begin with a topic sentence then 2 or 3 points with an explanation, a connecting sentence to the topic sentence and a concluding sentence. All three body paragraphs should be formatted like this. In the conclusion the format is to restate the thesis, review the points made, and have a concluding sentence that connects to the attention getter.

Keep in mind that punctuation, grammar, and spelling are all graded. Also, try not to use personal words in the writing. Make sure to proofread.

Next we went over grammar. In the first sentence, We wanted to play soccer, however our friends wanted to listen to music, we labeled We and friends as subjects, wanted as the verb, and the infinitive phrases were, to play soccer, and to listen to music. In addition to those, soccer was labeled an object of the infinitive, and music was labeled an object of the preposition. In the second sentence, Both Moritz and Smith learned the student's names, Moritz and Smith were labeled proper nouns and learned was labeled the verb.

After that we were given an assignment to Perform the prologue of Act 2 in groups of up to 5, this performance will take place on Thursday. We are to memorize our lines and act or somehow portray the message of the prologue to the audience. Tomorrow we will have work time for this project.

The last thing we did in class today was to listen to a former student named Kyle perform a variety of poetry for our class.

Our homework is the DOL, CSAP tips, and the prologue performance. For more information click on the link to our class calendar. Here is a link to our class calendar

Monday, March 4, 2013

Smith Per. 5 3/4/13

Max Hostetter

First, Smith handed back our grammar quizzes and Safari Packets. She then explained the TCAP schedule next week.

A quick TCAP tip for today: Have a good topic sentence-Restate and answer the question, and incorporate a why. In the paragraph, have examples that connect to the topic sentence. Sum up w/ a good concluding sentence.

After that we typed up our Parent Teacher Letters and printed a copy off for Smith and emailed one to our parents. Then we worked on our grammar sentences for Monday. The first sentence is "we wanted to play soccer however our friends wanted to listen to music". The second is "both moritz and smith learned the students names". We learned about infinitive verbs- to play, to listen, to run-that kind of thing. We also learned about correlative conjunctions-"both" in the second sentence is a correlative conjunction.

After grammar we took a quiz on Act 1 of Romeo and Juliet.

Our homework is the prologue performance, DOL, and CSAP tips.
For more info visit this week's PowerPoint here.

Scribe Period 3 3/4/13

Today in class we first learned our CSAP tip of the day.
          In a long short response you want to have.... (full page)

  • Topic Sentence: (restate and answer question with a why)
  • Examples with explanations 
  • Explanations relate to topic sentence
  • Concluding sentence
        In a shot short response you want to have... (1/2 page)
  • Topic Sentence
  • Example with explanations
  • Concluding sentence
Then we did grammar....

1) we wanted to play soccer however our friends wanted to listen to music 
     prn    av      inf          n          adv  poss prn  n        av         inf   prep   n

2) both moritz and smith learned the students names
corr conj   N corr conj  N     av     art     adj        n

Then we wrote a parent teacher letter which the directions can be found here.

Then we finished watching Romeo and Juliet act one and took the quiz. 

Homework: prologue performance, DOL, and CASP tips 

Friday, March 1, 2013

Scribe 3/1/13 Block 5

The homework is to remember your writing conference if you have one.
After this, we turned in daily grammar and the CSAP packet.
This was followed by the grammar quiz. We asked for extra credit.
The question was,
"I ran track I. High school and college. Which was my best race?

The rest of class we finished reading Act one of Romeo and Juliet. We then watched the movie for part of act one.

Prepare for a quiz on act one of the book on Monday.

Quote of the day...
"If you don't stand for something you will fall for anything."
~Malcom X