Monday, April 29, 2013

Scribe 5th period 4/29

Homework: Read empathy, TED blog #5 due Wednesday BEFORE CLASS.

Today we had a fishbowl on Symphony.
 The inner circle talked about how it seems like that there aren't any right-brained people and jobs in Asia, if purpose is interior or exterior motivation, and what symphony means to us.

Have a great Monday! :)

AWNM Symphony Period 5

AWNM Symphony Period 3

Friday, April 26, 2013

Scribe 4-26 Period 3

Today we had a shortened class period. Smith signed our schedules if we planned to continue on in honors, also if we decided to continue on in honors we got a summer reading schedule for the books we HAVE TO read for American Lit Honors. Smith also talked about planning your ted talks.
1. Write out you speech
2. Break down to an outline
3. Break down to key words or phrases

Also start thinking about your visuals. On your visuals don't have a large amount of text, think about using one word to emphasize your point. Smith posted an outline of what to do each day leading up to finals week. Smith also recommends practicing our speech in one minute chances. So practice one minute, then two, then three.

A possible outline for your ted talk could be something like as follows:

-An Attention Getter
-Point 1 and a story that emphasizes your point
-Point 2 and a story that emphasizes your point
-Point 3 and a story that emphasizes your point
A wish, solution or problem solver

We then watched a TED talk by Clay Shirky on cognitive surplus. Watch the video here. Our response is due on our blog before class on Monday.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Scribe for April 25th - Period 3

In class today, we completed a fishbowl regarding the chapter "Story" in A Whole New Mind, and also turned in Ted 2 before class. Before hand, we also received a tasty treat for winning the fundraiser.

Our Homework included
  • Read "Symphony"  in A Whole New Mind due Monday
  • Also read the docs Smith has given the class to expand your learning
  • Ted 4 due Monday
  • The big speech (still a little bit away)
  • Ted 3 due tomorrow
  • "RSA Animate - Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us" by Daniel Pink

    On Mrs. Smith's power point she recommends you follow these guidelines to produce a well written blog post.
    • hyperlinks to original sources
    • refer to author by last name
    • punctuate titles correctly
    • extensions: need more than just a link, explain and connect
    • Response: react don't summarize
    • overuse of author's name
    • personal words!!!! I, you, me, my, our, we us
    • don't quote in summary- summary is meant to put author's words in your own words to show your understanding not the author's
    • two separate paragraphs
    • posted before class
    • because in response topic sentence
    • lead-in's to quotes
    The video
    Check Agenda for further help or check Mrs. Smith web page.

    Hope this helps,
    David Merkel

Scribe for April 25th - Block 5

Scribe for April 25th - Block 5
The first thing we did in class was we ran over Smith's suggestions for how to get better grades on your TED Talk blog posts. Then, she talked about our TED Talk final and tips on how to succeed. Lastly, we had our fishbowl over Story.

Improvement for TED Blogs:
-Hyperlink to original sources
-Refer to author by last name
-Punctuate titles correctly
-PROOFREAD: don’t post without proofreading
-Extensions: links are great but explain and connect to
-Response: react, don’t summarize (Smith said Sarah M’s response really good)
-Overuse of author’s name (instead use she, he, they)
-Personal words!!! You can get past them
-Don’t quote in summary: summary is meant to put author’s words in your own words to show your understanding, not the author’s
-Two separate paragraphs (One for Summary, one for Response)
-Put a because in response topic sentence
-Lead-in’s to quotes

People Smith linked to as great examples:

TED Talk Tips
-Smith encourages: Get TED Talk idea/topic done!
-Smith mentioned a day-by-day list of how she recommends your time schedule for the project goes. Here is a link to the document.

Smith’s layout of TED Talk:

AG - Attention getter (story, quote, poem)
Conclusion (sum everything up, call to action)

-Practice in front of family/parents, get feedback - As Smith says, “Practice like the dickens.”
-Take every chance you have - The more you can say it, the more it is going through your head, the better it is
-Do it in car, on the way to work/school, record it and listen to over and over
-Find out what works for you!

What was due today:
-Read Story in AWNM, fish bowl/CoverItLive
-People who got extensions, TED Talk #2 Blog due today (if not posted by now it is a 0)

-TED #3 due tomorrow, on Daniel Pink’s “The Surprising Truth on What Motivates Us”
-Read Symphony in AWNM, Fishbowl Monday

Link to the daily agenda: Week 15

Tomorrow is Friday!

AWNM Story Period 5

AWNM Story Period 3

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Scribe April 24, 2013 P5

Scribe Wednesday 24, 2013 (Link to Agenda)

1. Blog Post 2 was due before class today on YOUR PERSONAL BLOG, so make sure you finished and posted it
2. We reviewed homework which is as follows:


  • Read and prepare for Fishbowl Friday on Story. Remember that the READING PACKETS from Pink’s drive are also included.
  • Submit  Blog Post 3 due Friday BEFORE class on Pink’s “The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us”
  • Blog Post 4 due Monday before class-use your time WISELY because Monday is a busy day
  • Read and prepare for Fishbowl Monday on Symphony
  • Read “Seven Reasons Carrots and Sticks (Often) Don’t Work”

4. Mrs. Smith gave us time to work

Other Information

  • We will be making up MAP testing on May 8th, so don’t forget!
  • If for some reason, you cannot complete a Blog Post by a due date, you can ask for an extension, but IT MUST BE THE DAY BEFORE IT’S DUE!
  • You can use the RSA Animate format used in “The Surprising Truth...” in your own TED talk

Scribe Period 3 April 24

Hello Class,
So here's what happened in class today:

  • Incase you forgot, TED Blog 2 (which was on a TED talk of your choice) was due today! Make sure it is done and posted on YOUR PERSONAL BLOG!
  • Some announcements that Smith made today:
    • We will be making up our MAP test on May 8th so be there and be prepared!
    • Monday is going to be a BIG DAY! We will have our fourth fishbowl for A Whole New Mind on the chapter about Symphony and TED talk 4 is also due
      • Keep in mind, if you are drowning in stress and homework, you can talk to Smith about getting an extension but keep in mind, all things come with a price and the price of an extension is doubling up on blog posts
  • In class today we watched the RSA Animate video (the video for TED blog 3) titled "The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us" by Dan Pink (<- thats a link to the video) 
    • A RSA Animate video is like a TED talk but the presentation is a constant drawing describing what the speaker is saying
    • Keep in mind that you can use this style for your TED talk 
  • After the video we had work time to do whatever we needed to do!
  • Smith also passed out another reading packet from Dan Pink's Drive which you should be reading even though Smith is not checking to make sure you read it 
Well, thats about all we did today! Hope this was helpful! 

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Tuesday April 23rd- Period 5


Today Smith gave the class TED blog suggestions for the next TED blogs, as well as examples that exceeded expectations.  In class we were given time to either work on TED video 2 or read "The Rise and Fall of Motivation".

Smith also put forward the option of having an extension on one of the TED talk responses.

1.TED Blog 2-With the options If I should have a daughter..." and "The power of vulnerability", or there is the option to choose your own TED talk

2. Read "The Rise and Fall of Motivation 2.0".

3. Be sure that you are caught up on "A Whole New Mind" (read through Story) for the fish bowl Thursday

Period 3 Scribe - Tuesday, April 23

Hello everyone!

Today we started off by talking about TED Blog 1 grades. The grades were in as of this morning. Some went beyond the expectations, and others met the "Gentleman's C".

Here are some suggestions for future TED blogs:

  • Summary void of reaction
  • Topic sentence in response needs a why, needs a because
  • Don't summarize in response; react
  • Don't quote in summary; summarize in your own words
  • things: be specific
  • keep summary to summarizing text, video; don't analyze speaking style
  • refer to people by last name not first name
  • eliminate personal words
  • lead-ins to quotes
  • explain and analyze speaking style; comparisons

-Sarah M

The rest of the day was a work day.

The homework for tomorrow is TED Blog 2, and be reading A Whole New Mind.
"If I should have a daughter..." and "The power of vulnerability" are options for TED Blog 2, but you can choose any TED video.

When you get a chance read "The Rise and Fall of Motivation 2.0".

Design: Period 3

Monday, April 22, 2013

April 22, 2013 - Period 3 Scribe

Smith was not here today so Mr. Rosenberg was the substitute.
We took the entire class time to fishbowl over the chapter Design from A Whole New Mind.
TED Blog 1 was due today before the start of class.

- Fishbowl over Story on Thursday
- TED Blog 2 is due on Wednesday (We watched "The Power of Vulnerability" and "If I Should Have a Daughter" in class but you can do it on any TED talk you want.)

Design: Period 5

Friday, April 19, 2013

Scribe Period 5, 04/19/13

Hello everyone!

Here is the homework for the weekend:
   -Read the Design chapter in A Whole New Mind
   -TED blog #1 on Sir Ken Robinson's TED talk video is due on Monday
We watched the Power of Vulnerability TED talk which is an option for our second TED blog due on Wednesday. When the video was over we shared our thoughts on the video:
  • How powerful is the story in the TED talks? Very
    • Personalization
    • Relatable
    • Adds perspective
      • Use in your own TED talk
  • Challenge yourself to grow each year because good things will come of it
  • If you numb the bad things, you numb the good things also
  • The reward from your vulnerability is amazing
    -Think about this while doing your own TED talk
  • Don’t conclude your speech by saying you’re done

      • Smith also told us a story about how she had to talk in front of 1,000 people and how all she could think about was what could go wrong, but she still decided to embrace to this for your own TED talk.

    Afterwards we watched Sarah Kay's TED talk, If I Had A Daughter, because Smith had thought we had watched it a while, but we hadn't.
    We ended class with a quick debrief on the TED talk:
    • Very personal
    • Shared stories
    • Relatable
    • Speaker style
      • Eye contact
      • Hand gestures
      • She faked that she’s comfortable
      • Tone of voice
      • Don’t hesitate
      • Speak clearly
      • Exciting, interesting
      • Not monotone
    Smith will be gone on Monday because her kids have school off.
    Have a great weekend!

Scribe 4/19/13 Period 3

Scribe for 4/19/13:

HW: read Design, bring in example of Design, TED blog 1 due monday, read Puzzling Puzzles

We will be having our Design fishbowl on Monday, April 22nd. Remember to post your PLN summary and response on your own personal blog! We watched another TED Talk called "The Power of Vulnerability" by Brene Brown. You can use this for your second TED blog if you want to, otherwise, TED blog 2 is free choice. Then we watched the Opening Ceremony of the Beijing 2008 Summer Olympics. We watched this because it is an example of Design, so it relates to A Whole New Mind. For the rest of class, we had work time to either read, or work on our TED blogs.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Scribe 4-18-13

April 18, 2013
Today we returned to normal English class
We received an excerpt from Daniel Pink’s Drive
Ms. Smith will not be here Monday but we will Fishbowl
We watched Sir Ken Robinson’s TED talk called “Schools Kill Creativity
After watching the video we discussed the video

Homework: Read “Design” from AWNM, read the excerpt “The Puzzling Puzzles of Harry Harlow and Edward Deci” from Drive, summary response on Sir Ken Robinson’s TED Talk (Link on weekly powerpoint) due Monday

Summary Response review
Summary-No personnel words
-Title, author main idea
-Examples that support the main idea
Response(Go all out or Gentlemen’s C)-shoot for no personnel words
-Topic sentence
-Link to other pieces
-Extensions/ connections
-Ask questions about the video
-Use question form
-Concluding sentence

Next week-see powerpoint if confused
-Monday-FishBowl-Homework TED video 2(free choice), read Story
-Wednesday- TED 2 (free choice) due
-Thursday- Story fishbowl
-Friday-TED 3 on Daniel Pink’s due
-Following Monday-TED 4 due

Discussed the video
-Fear of failure-schools say being wrong is bad
-Can not find talent in structure
-schools should let creativity flourish
-questions the validity of ADD/ADHD
-over diagnosed
-academic inflation-college degrees mean nothing compared to what they used to be
-math:dance-both are equally important
-school structure hasn’t changed even though the times have changed(industrial revolution Vs. conceptual age)

For any questions talk to Ms. Smith via email or on an off hour.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Scribe 4-17-13 3rd hour

Homework:  Read "Design" chapter in A Whole New Mind

Today in English we meet in the forum about schedules for next year.  We picked up a master course list and our registration card.  Mr. Wadsworth talked to us about what we need to do with these handouts.  See him or another counselor if you were not there or if you have questions.

Pertaining to:
Locker partners
Only one request needs to be made for you and your partner.  Your partner needs to be of the same gender and in the same grade.

Arena Scheduling 
On the day of arena scheduling you will enter the building through the west entrance and walk down the north hallway to the cafeteria.  The registration card has the times you will go to be scheduled.   You can go any time after your last initial group is scheduled but not before.   Arena scheduled does not guarantee you will get every class you sign up for.  Nothing is set in stone.

Registration card
You need to complete and enter in the computer(see Arapahoe website for directions) the information on your registration card by April 29, 2013.  Accomplish this as soon as possible.  When creating your schedule remember you need to have a minimum of 24 credit hours, no more than six unscheduled hours, and no 3 unscheduled hours in a row.  Make sure to complete all required sections of the registration card accurately   If you do not you will have to fix the mistakes and you will be scheduled last.  If you have any questions regarding registration talk to Mr. Wadsworth in the counseling office.

Any English 9 Honors related questions or concerns talk to Ms. Smith via email or in person.  She is off tomorrow first hour, and sixth hour.

Scribe 4/17/2013 period 5

Homework: Read Design and prepare for next week's fishbowl. 

So today we met in the forum to talk about how scheduling for next years classes will work. 
When we came in we picked up a master schedule and registration card.

 Put in alternative courses in case you don't get your choice of class. Teacher initials- before you can move on in a specific subject you have to get it approved by your CURRENT teacher. These classes include Math, World Language, Honors or AP classes, Student assistant, photography, video production etc. You can have a Maximum of 6 off hours and you can't have 3 off hours in a row. Make sure to get this signed by you AND your parent. Your registration card is due in the Guidance Center AND entered into the computer by 2:30 P.M. Monday, April 29, 2013. When entering into the computer make sure to click request this course at first, then go back in and enter Alternatives by clicking request as an Alternate. 

Park in the west parking lot and walk down the north hallway towards the cafeteria. 
Go from table to table and sign up for classes. 
Go out through the south hallway, where a teacher will make sure you have the required 24 credits. After that, you can leave. 
Arena Scheduling doesn't guarantee that you will be in the classes that you signed up for because of the need to balance classes. 

Locker Partners need to be the same grade and gender. only one request has to be made for each pair. 

Questions? See Smith