Thursday, September 27, 2012

Emily Harden's memoir project


  1. Good job Emily! I liked all of your stories, which brought back a lot of memories from St. Anne's!:) You had a great theme and lots of emotion in your voice. For your conclusion slide, maybe read it out, or have it hold for longer, because I did not have time to read it all. Also, maybe enunciate a little bit more. Overall, great job!

  2. Great job Emily! I like how you kept every memoir short and concise, yet gave all of the details that you needed to to explain you memoir correctly. Do make the recording time on the last slide longer so that the viewer actually has time to view it. Also, maybe explain the memoir about your brother's friend dying a bit more, or speak more clearly. It was hard to tell what you were saying. Great job though!

  3. Good job luv! Maybe add a little time on the last slide but it was really great. I am sorry about that tragedy with your brother. Also, maybe a little more emotion in your voice. Good job.
    -Julia <3

  4. Self Assessment:
    I think that my memoir project was okay. Overall I rated myself between a 2 and a 3 on everything. My best section was organization and my worst section was Verbal techniques, because I don't think I had very much emotion in my voice. I think that I should have added more pictures/ slides to the voice thread. Overall I think I did okay, but not the best I could have done.

  5. I thought you had a lot of thought put into each memoir that you wrote. I would make your transitions a little smoother becauses there wasnt exactly a main topic pulling it all together. Also I would add a little more emotion to make the topics come out stronger. I feel as if that would have enhanced the presentation a lot. Other than that I liked it!

  6. I could really hear the emotion in your voice and how some of the things you talked about really effected you. Maybe some of your snapshots from your memoirs could have been just a bit longer because some of them didn't really allow for much detail. Over all I'd give this memoir a 3-3.5.
