Friday, September 28, 2012

Haden Waski Final Memoir


  1. What is the theme? It was pretty clear what the five memoirs were, but there was nothing tying them together. Since your presentation didn't exceed the time limit, you have enough time to introduce a theme.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Haden, I thought you did a good job with keeping the audience interested and your vocal inflection was pretty good. I thought some of your details were great, but maybe you can included a theme, as that was the project, and a purpose. How did these events impact you? How did they change who you are today? How do they make you feel? After this, you can add a smooth transition and pull everything together. Great job!

  4. I liked how you put emotion in your voice and I think that helped enhance your stories. Also your voice was really clear, which was nice. Something you should add would be a theme and transitions to make it into one story instead of every seperate memoir for itself. Other than that good job!
