Thursday, September 27, 2012

Grace E


  1. I really liked how your showed the different emotion through your voice. Your stories were great, and very descriptive!

  2. Self Evaluation:
    I think my project is pretty average. It's pleasing to the eye, with pictures and colorful backgrounds, but I could have used more media like background music, animations or videos. I like how my voice is easy to understand and organization is logical and makes sense. I also think I could have made the project slightly longer and provided more background information.

    Self grade:
    3/4 or 2.5/4

  3. I really liked how you connected it at the end to the ingredients of a cake. I think you should have maybe slowed your talking down because I feel like it was a little rushed. I think everything else was proficient. Good job!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I liked the cake analogy it was a very unique and "Grace-full" way to connect all of your works. I loved all of the personal pictures and stories. They each added some unique sliver to make the project flow well. Terrific job Grace. Organization: 4 Content: 4 Verbal techniques: 3.5 Media: 3.5 Preparation: 4

  6. Grace!
    You did a really great job expressing your emotions through your voice! I looked forward to listening to each memoir because your voice made me want to hear more. Your memoirs were all very obvious to why you care about each story so much. Your transitions could have been a little stronger though. Also, there was not an obvious theme throughout your voice thread. But nice reflection slide at the end!
