Wednesday, May 22, 2013


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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Your personal story really added to your presentation. Being an athlete myself, your talk was really easy to connect with.

  3. You made a lot of connections about competition that I would have never considered. An interesting look about the importance of competition. Good job!

  4. You pick a really interesting topic to speak about. I like that when you were speaking it didn't sound too memorized. That made it easier to connect to what you were saying. I could tell you really believed what you were saying.

  5. Yes, you very a very cute Harry Potter in elementary school, and have evolved greatly. This is the perfect topic for you and I loved how you used historical aspects to your speech to prove your point. Nice connection to education! You should me the way that competition effects my life.

  6. Very interesting topic. Good job connecting it to our lives.

  7. I like the way you connected yourself to your speech. It's quite obvious you truly believe in your Talk.

  8. I loved how personal your speech was and how you gave examples from your own life.

  9. Your topic about competition was great! I know I am extremely competitive and it's nice to know that competition is a positive thing!

  10. I liked how you put in that anecdote about yourself and how competition changed you. Competition is important but it can also be scary! Personally, I find competition to be stressful. I usually don't pride myself in being competitive, but your talk really changed my thinking. Also, your little TED star was adorable. Great job!

  11. I think you did a lot better than you thought you would. Your points were really strong. You did great!

  12. I liked how you showed how important competition is in so many different areas of life! It's a very big part of our lives.

  13. Competition is so relatable to society today. Your story made the topic seem more real. Good job!

  14. Dom, your presentation was great! You had it very well memorized and I really liked your connections with yourself, education and the world. Your speech was easy to relate to! Good job!!

  15. I liked how you used different examples that could connect with everyone in the room to support your topic. Good job!

  16. Atta babe Dom! (baseball slang for "good job")
    I agree whole-heartedly with your idea, competitiveness is great. Inspiring, great examples, especially Jackie Robinson. Thanks

  17. You were definitely one of the most relaxed speakers so far. You made really great points and clearly showed how beneficial competitiveness is

  18. I like how you connected your topic to Science, and Darwin.

  19. I really liked how you gave examples of competition and how it has helped you.

  20. Nice job connecting it to everyone and everything, made it much more personal.

  21. Dom, competition can be applied to every aspect of life whether it be sports, schools, music, or anything else. Competition holds our country together and is the reason the world is constantly changing.

  22. I loved how much your topic personally related to you. I also love picturing you as a chubby baby.

  23. Your points were great, and I really connected with your elementary school example because I know what it's like to be short and heavy when I was younger. Great job.

  24. Dom,
    It's great that you added a personal aspect to your story. Competition is what drives the world and you had great examples of that. Great presentation!
