Tuesday, May 21, 2013


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  1. Great intro and great speaking skills! I loved your topic!

  2. Maddison,
    You looked very comfortable while speaking, and good job keeping eye contact. Your visuals were also very effective.

  3. Maddison,
    Using a girl with cancer as an example and your grandma helped me personally connect because my Grandma died with cancer also. Great speech!

  4. The story of the little girl with cancer was very inspirational. You were very brave to share about your grandmother.

  5. Maddison, way to use real world examples. Nice visuals and memorization, way to tie it in to a personal story, and I loved how you stayed strong and pulled through it. The personal story you tied into it just made your story that much more meaningful and enjoyable. You really poured emotion into every word you said. Great job and good work!

  6. Maddison, Amazing job sharing your personal stories. It takes a lot to share something so personal. Nice Job!

  7. Maddi, I loved how powerful your stories were! Amazing message and speech!

  8. Maddison
    It was cool to have a fellow whovian in the class! As well as a Talia fan. You made me tear up when talking about your family and the children in Kenya. Amazing job.

  9. You had a great message and did an excellent job of tying emotion to it and invoking a response from your audience. Excellent speech.

  10. Maddison- I really admire how you mentioned your grandmother even though it was hard for you. You had really good memorization and eye contact, and the message you gave through your speech was really inspiring

  11. Maddison, I really enjoyed the stories that you told and I was very inspired. I loved the challenge and I am going to try it. Really great job!

  12. Maddison,
    Your personal stories really added to the speech and I loved all you emotion. Way to power through... you did great.

  13. Maddi! Your first five sentences were my favorite. They were perfect. Your story was beautiful. And powerful. It was inspiring, to focus on the good, instead of everything that is wrong.

  14. Maddison, despite sharing such a personal story, you remained strong, and continued to speak clearly about a topic in which needs to be heard! Fantastic job!!

  15. Maddison, Your speech was very inspirational and I was very touched. I know your personal stories were sad but I liked that you pushed on.

  16. Maddi, I think you are so strong for being able to share your experiences with us! You were able to stay strong and continue with your speech.

  17. Maddison,
    Your talk was amazing! You truly put yourself into that speech and composed yourself well! Your speech was so inspirational and I want to embrace my life more because of your speech! Nice job!

  18. Good job staying strong and pushing through. To take one of your quotes and make it a powerful speech!
