Friday, May 24, 2013


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  1. WOW! I really never thought that the two theories of evolution could connect. I really liked how you took the controversial topic and didn't try to make others believe in what you were saying, but stating it as a theory that they could choose to believe in.

  2. Thumbs up for having the courage to delve into this topic! This is really interesting... perhaps creationists and evolutionists can now live in peace.

  3. The dongle worked! Haha. Anyways, good job man. This was a great job of molding Creation and Science into one simply story. Great topic, it kept me very interested. Great job

  4. Love how you included science into your speech. You were able to discuss a controversial topic and make it very simple but made people reshape their thinking. Great job!

  5. You did a good job with connecting such controversial topics! Good job!

  6. That was cool! You had a topic that most people wouldn't think to do. Good job!

  7. I whole heartedly agree! I like how you tie religion into science, people are constantly trying to put them into two seperate categories that don't go together. Richard Dawkins should hear what you have to say.

  8. I really liked the way you tied science to your presentation. I also liked how decided to take on a controversial topic. Great job.

  9. Your slides looked very professional. Good job

  10. This was so interesting! I would have never thought about that or ever connected it like you did. I love how you never said one idea was more correct then the other, but you gave equal arguments for both sides

  11. You had a unique topic! I could tell you were really knowledgeable about it, good job.

  12. Very interesting view. You had some great images and cool presentation style. Good job!

  13. What you did was very cool. It's so hard to be a religious person in school because of the two extremes but the fact that you showed how they good come together was so interesting!

  14. That was a very interesting view point. Good job.

  15. I think it was so daring of you to talk about such a controversial topic, but it was also very interesting and I feel like you enlightened quite a few people and made them see things differently. Good job!

  16. Interesting topic, Tony. I guess I really never thought of it that way. I'm really curious about this and know I'm going to look further into it. Props to you for doing something controversial.

  17. That was a very interesting way of interpreting both creation theories/stories.

  18. You took a chance because you talked about something controversial. That made it so enjoyable. Your speech was very interesting. I am glad you explored both ideas of creation. Great job!

  19. Tony, you did a great job on an extremely controversial subject. I like how you weren't biased on what you believe in. Thanks for sharing with the class! Awesome job!

  20. I love the way you took science and connected it to the Bible. A very clever idea for sure. Your talk was very interesting.

  21. We have heard about the importance of keeping an open mind and you truly did that. You opened my eyes to an entirely new view point on creation and not only blew mind but showed everyone a different perspective.

  22. Interesting topic. It was really interesting, and I never knew that there was a connection like that. Good job!
