Friday, May 24, 2013


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  1. You are doing great! I can tell you're really passionate. Just slow down and talk a little bit louder. Everyone deserves to hear this.

  2. I loved your presentation! It gave me some new views about my own topic! That was awesome! Thanks for all the insights and cool ideas! Well done!

  3. I loved your topic, and the poetic emotion you had. You were very well rehearsed. I really liked hearing about your personal life.

  4. Kasi, I thought your topic was really great. I could tell you were passionate about it, great job!

  5. You did really well in presenting. I could tell you knew your subject really well. I like the relation of music types to a tree.

  6. I had never thought about music like that before. Good job!

  7. Aww Kasi your presentation was so good, your tree metaphor was fantastic and your made really great points!

  8. Music is a theme not commonly tread on. Great job. You did an excellent job of putting forth your idea. Excellent job of choosing something that you are passionate about. Music is a big part of my life so this was great. Thanks

  9. Music is a powerful means of communicating, nice job Kasi.

  10. Your speaking style really reminded me of the girl in If I Had A Daugther!! It was so powerful and personal and you found such a important message!

  11. Your speech was very powerful. I could tell you were passionate about music. You spoke with confidence and it showed. Wonderful job.

  12. Your emotion about the topic was clearly evident, and your points were very clear. Nicely done

  13. I loved your topic, it was insanely interesting and I never have really ever thought about what exactly makes us like music. It really made me think about my music tastes and what I listen to

  14. "Before you open your mouth, open your mind". That was great.

  15. Great support for why music is so important, and I like how tied and underlined theme of individuality into your presentaion, that was really good!

  16. Kasi, you are a wonderful speaker! I loved your subject and you seemed extremely passionate about it. Great job!!

  17. I love how you were really able to connect to yourself and every person in the audience. I think that everyone could connect to your speech, especially me. Thank you!

  18. Nice job. You talked nicely and really tied in your interests with a powerful topic.

  19. Great job!!I really learned a lot because I can be very closed minded with my music. Thanks!

  20. I really liked how you compared a tree to music. Very creative!

  21. I loved it! That was super amazing! Great job Kasi! You have great things to say, so don't be afraid to speak loudly and show the world who you are.

  22. I really liked your topic. I know we can all relate to it. Kids really like to ridicule each other for their music tastes for some reason. You were really well prepared and had it completely memorized. I like how you connected it to the tree at the end.

  23. Great job Kasi! I loved the message in your speech, and your metaphor was great.
