Friday, May 24, 2013


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  1. Great job using pictures. Those photos were powerful and helped prove your points. Awesome talk.

  2. I LOVED YOUR SPEECH. It was so insightful and amazingly emotional (don't know if that made sense). Your speech made me realize how truly blessed I am.

  3. I really enjoyed your presentation! It was a nice reminder of how much we have and how truly blessed we are. Good job!

  4. You are such an amazing speaker. You have such an amazing family to give like that. Good job waking people up!

  5. Missions are incredibly important. Helping others is something that more people need to do. While you talked extensively about helping in foreign nations, I believe in service at home. Just in Denver there are a plethora of volunteer opportunities. Yes, I am blessed, and thank you for reminding me of that! Great job

  6. Great personal examples, they tie in well to your points/topic.

  7. So true. So so true.
    Your personal story really helped us realize everything. You proved your point really well. It was powerful.
    Thank you and good job!

  8. So relevant to all of us and we need to be way more thankful! What hit me was respecting the military! I liked the blessing lens! I'm gunna put it on! Thanks!

  9. Wow! That was just incredible! I loved how you really made us take a look at ourselves from a different point of view, that was really great!

  10. The conviction and passion in your voice was so powerful! I loved your personal story and I thought you had a great topic!

  11. Love your facts and passion! I think that as a society we should focus on worldly events as well, more than others. I love your points, very Carlson-ish: We are all so blessed! :) I agree! We are so lucky but refuse to realize it, refuse to see the past, but choose to complain. Spectacular speech!!

  12. Your examples helped tied your speech together really well. I really loved the bit on having a different perspective.

  13. Rebecca, you did a fantastic job! I loved your subject and you had great examples to support it! Thank you for sharing this with our class! Great job!

  14. You moved between points very smoothly. The way you made us look at our lives was moving, how no matter what we think we do have great lives.

  15. Nice presentation! It was really powerful, and it really opened my eyes. You're a really good speaker. Good job!

  16. Very interesting topic. It is scary how we think we suffer so much when others have it a lot worse. Their pain doesn't invalidate ours, it just sort of puts it in perspective. Your attention getter was really intriguing and the statistics were very powerful.

  17. WONDERFUL! I can tell how much this topic meant to you. You put a lot of thought in to your speech. I love the idea of the "blessing lens". You did amazing. The comparisons you made between America and other countries were outstanding.

  18. Your introduction was spectacular, I loved your comparison between the US and other countries. Your speaking voice was great. Overall, you made a lot of effective points that apply to almost all of us, so that was really meaningful

  19. Great job!! That was so powerful!

  20. The images and statistics you used as well as the connection to your relationship with God really reached out to me.

  21. Your message is amazing. I like the way you shed light on the ungratefulness most of us feel. You also managed to pack a huge amount of information into your talk. Great job!
