Tuesday, May 21, 2013


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  1. Great topic and great message to your audience, nice visuals, memorization, and eye contact. Overall, your TED was great!

  2. Grace,
    You are a great speaker. You really engage the audience. I loved how you had a huge variety of visuals.

  3. Grace,
    I like how you included funny quotes and images into your speech that you took very serious. Way to use examples that we have seen in class to support your topic.

  4. Grace, you are strong. Your talk was so impactful. Thank you for this! You're right! Wonderful job pulling in other Ted talks.

  5. I liked how you talked about something that was personal to you, and something that is personal to us as students

  6. Grace,
    The presence you brought to the room was very strong and powerful. The energy and easy going "flow" you brought to your speech kept it interesting!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. You seemed really passionate about your topic. Your talk was very relate able and relevant to your audience.

  9. Grace,
    Way to have good emotion in your voice, it made it very interesting to listen to. Also, way to say it as it is... I liked that.

  10. I love how prepared you were and how you used different quotes and examples that everyone can relate to. I like how you got the audience involved on multiple occasions. The message behind your speech was also very real - again something we can all relate to - and it was also very inspiring! Great job.

  11. Grace, I really like your message, and I definitely agree with it. It was really inspiring (and I loved the examples and visuals) and I thought it was great!

  12. You had fantastic speaking skills and your topic was very important.

  13. You speech helped I think that whole class can learn from this and really empower our learning.

  14. Your images went along with your talk really nicely, especially the little boy with the microphone. You said 'Everyone does life differently,' which is true and we need to remember that. Also you mentioned that we are educated, but we have no idea what is really important to us, which is so true.

  15. Grace,
    I think your point was really inspiring. You made some really good connections. I felt more connected to your speech because it had to do with me and because your TED Talk was memorized.

  16. Grace- You were very clear during your speech and you sounded and looked very confident in your ideas. You had really good memorization and eye contact.

  17. Grace, I really liked your TED Talk. It was very inspirational and it made me think about if I was happy with my education.

  18. I loved your point about us being the next generation and empowering our learning! Great Job!!

  19. Grace- I felt that you did an excellent job enlightening the class. You personally convinced me that our society needs to change our education system, and that is our job to change it. Great speech!

  20. Well done. Your speech involved a very motivating and inspiring concept. I believe you were successful in convincing the class of it as well.

  21. Grace, I liked how you used a previous TED talk that we reviewed in class to build on your own personal TED Talk.

  22. Grace!
    Wow! This was really cool. You seemed to know a lot about your subject and you were really well rounded in what you talked about.

  23. Grace,
    Your speech was so good!!! I loved the education topic and it challenged us all to take action. You made some very good, and strong points! Nice job! P.S. I loved your outfit :)
