Friday, January 18, 2013

Scribe for Period 5: January 18th, 2013

Hello Everybody! 

Some quotes from today, from our fellow classmates:
"Life is a balance...and it's annoying." -Gabby
"Double think is like inter conflict but on steroids."-Ethan
"Rebellion is a level of determination." -Hunter
"Nothing Marcus does!"-Scott

First and foremost, we turned in our CSAP packet (entitled "Einstein's Practical Joke") and DOL week two. 

Remember: We had a DOL quiz over week two. You may use your purple packet to guide you in finding parts of speech, sentence parts, sentence type, punctuation and capitalization and diagramming the sentence. The similar sentence of the week to help you prepare for the quiz is: our friend tom is the next president after obama
Make sure you are able to do all of the skills listed above on the example sentence to prepare for the quiz. Just 5 minutes of studying! 

Our Only Homework:

Read. Chapters 13-17 will be due Friday for discussion. You are welcome to pick up CSAP packets ahead of time and work on them. They are located in the far back left corner for pick up. A grammar quiz and sentences will be next week as well. 

Within 10 minutes the class we finished our DOL 2 Quiz. And on to discussing the suspenseful and revengeful section (Chapters 6-12) in Little Brother by Cory Doctorow. Please note: 3 questions for section 1 and 3 question for this section, section 2 were marked down for completion. You should have 6 questions in total for Little Brother.

In the Fishbowl: Questions and Ideas

  • Will Ange last throughout the whole book?
    • reminds readers of Julia character. She is the light for the fire burning within Marcus, as did Winston. However it is up to the author to decide to choose a similar path as 1984 by George Orwell
  • Why are teenagers disrespected?
    • adults stereotype teens: adults remember their teenage years and hope kids aren't like that. Teenagers are inexperienced. Why trust teenagers? Do your parents trust you? How would you act as a parent? Marcus has enough smarts, but no matter how smart you are you can't take down the government. But you can give it a chance. Is it worth it to take the chance if family and friends might pay the price for your actions? If someone in the book wasn't as smart as Marcus, then it would be more of a risk.
  • Freedom or Safety? How much are YOU willing to give up?
  • What would you do? Rebel? Sit back?
    • Marcus sees rebellion in concert as a dangerous act: danger is more evident. If you are committed  then you will have the level of determination to risk it: you have to see the future, map out every step and hope for the best. If you are driven but not willing to put those associated with you in danger, will enough happen? In other words, will you lay down lives for a cause? What about wiretapping: anything you text anyone, they are associated with you. Will you save many for just a few? The country over the individual? In cast of war, people know of death: Collateral Damage.
  • Do you believe in the power of one? 
    • Government can take down 1 person but not an army. It's not a matter of power but of influence.
  • What will happen after the concert? Will they be revengeful? 
    • teens will be rash, parents would not believe teens but believe those in authority  Parents put a lot of trust in kids now-a-days. Marcus doesn't tell his parents anything and has a lack of respect for his parents in the novel. Parents feel that teens need to be more trustworthy in this society. Our generation wants the same respect as we give adults. Most parents don't know how to respond: if too harsh, child will be afraid to tell them more, but if too calm, child will not respect them. It's a balance
  • What point do you stop smothering/guiding a child?
    • Marcus is afraid how parents will react. It matters whether or not he's right in order for parents to support him.
  • Why is the dad figure change from loathing the government to choosing their side? Why is he so bi polar?
    • Double think. The dad probably got a good night's sleep and became more calm in the morning. He's protecting Marcus from himself and does not want his son to think wrongly in the future due to his actions.
  • Is Marcus a terrorist?
    • Nothing he does is legal but his goal is not fear. Is he really fighting for himself or Darryl or the world?
    • RING! The end of class and the end of a wonderful discussion! Great job, everybody!
On the blog: please check here for a briefing on the blog. 

Have a wonderful THREE DAY WEEKEND, everybody! Thank you to all the spontaneous thoughts from my peers to make this summary very...interesting. Credits to them and a great job in class! See you Tuesday!


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