Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Scribe per 5 2/6/13

Hey guys-

Today in class we had Ms. Souder for a sub. Class started out with taking attendance. Then we did grammar! :)

Sentence 1: carla looked at herself in the mirror and recited the poem fire and ice
1 independent clause, simple sentence. 

sentence 2: we saw a midsummer nights dream at the buell theater after we saw the play at ahs
1 independent clause, 1 dependent clause, complex sentence. 

After grammar, we peer-edited (if we wanted to) and started working on writing our first body paragraph that is due tomorrow.
Remember: no personal words, no contractions, no hypothetical questions, no questions without answers, citations, lead-ins, etc....and expand your vocabulary!

homework: First body paragraph due tomorrow! (Thursday). CSAP packet due Friday. If you're not caught up on your paper, CATCH UP! Paper is due one week from tomorrow!

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