Thursday, September 27, 2012

Olivia Morley Memoir


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  2. I really like your memoir and just like Taylor, how you incorporate your Hungarian background. Your voice fades in and out sometimes, so that is kind of distracting. I'm sort of confused what your individual memoirs are, sometimes I don't know where you are, but that can be a good thing because it means that you blended them really well like your supposed to. Nicely done!

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  5. I gave my self a 3 for the organization part of the rubric because I made my theme clear, mad good transitions, and put it in the most logical order I could think of. I gave my self a 4 for the content part because I felt that I made my theme clear, and my exerpts from my memoirs enhanced my voice thread. I gave my self a 3 for verbal techniques because my voice is clear and understandable, but it does fade in and out or get quieter, like people mentioned above. I gave my self a 4 for the non-verbal techniques because I used the pictures and text the best way I could. Finally, I gave my self a 3.5 for the media and preparation parts of the rubric because I used pictures and text to enhance my voice thread, and I practiced the speaking part of it before I recorded. I also felt that my VT was a good length for the content.

  6. Olivia you memoir is amazing. I love all the information you provided about your Hungarian background, and your life. I really liked the transitions you used to go from one topic to another, it made your project have a really nice flow to it. I really heard the emotion in your voice when you talked about your dogs, but I wish you could have made your voice like that for the entire memoir. At times your voice seemed quieter than other times, but I really enjoyed learning about you.

  7. Your memoir was really good! The transitions between your memoirs made everything flow very nicely and logically. The volume of your recordings did vary, but your voice was still clear. There were some parts where you could have put more emphasis and emotion into your speaking. I feel like you could have had a longer conclusion to make the whole thing more effective. Overall, your project was interesting and well done, would score around a 3.5.
